Helping your audience buy your fashion with
Hi!, I'm Nat
I’ve always loved fashion and I used to be super-confident when it came to trying new styles. Then, I had a baby… ohhh, boy. After a traumatic emergency C-section (not exactly the homebirth I was hoping for!), my body felt like it didn’t belong to me anymore.
Whenever I looked in the mirror, I saw lumps and bumps that hadn’t been there before. None of my old clothes fit me and I wanted to hide under a rock. I desperately searched online for fashion brands that had styles and sizes that would suit me. But how on earth was I meant to find anything suitable when every model I saw was wearing a size 6 or 8?
Learning to love my body again
After struggling with motherhood and my body for months, I hired a personal trainer. I thought that getting my old body back would solve all my problems. But when I still didn’t feel good about myself after losing all the baby weight, I knew my problem ran deeper. I had body dysmorphia and I needed to get my confidence back.
I racked my brain and came up with a strategy. When I only looked at myself in the mirror from the chin down and pretended I was looking at another woman’s body, I was much kinder to myself. After a few months of tricking my mind, my body confidence returned. I started trying on new clothes and feeling good about myself again!

Changing the face of fashion
That’s when I decided to help other women who felt alienated by fashion marketing like I did. I started a Facebook buy, sell and swap group called “Let Me Try Before You Buy” in 2019 and posted videos of myself trying on clothes.
The responses I received blew me away. My inbox was full of messages from women thanking me for being a breath of fresh air in a fashion industry that ignored and shamed them. They told me I made them feel confident and taught them how to love their bodies again. I knew then that there was no turning back.

Australia’s number one video content influencer
I launched my Instagram account and became the first fashion influencer in Australia to post video-only content. I watched with amazement as it blew up overnight.
My LMTBYB tribe is now more than 195,000 strong. I can’t believe so many women want to watch me parading around in my underwear! I feel so fortunate to have brought so many amazing women together into a tight-knit and supportive community.
Nat xo